Children waiting for their forever home

KInship care
What is Kinship Care? If you are looking after a minor who is either related to you or someone who was known to you before they came into your care (a student of yours, a neighbor, a family friend), then you're providing Kinship Care. This definition is true whether or not the court system is involved by placing the child with you as a foster parent. Kinship care can be a short or long-term arrangement. If a child has come into your care and you are looking for help with
Finding a therapist,
Day care or respite care services,
Seeking food assistance,
Support groups,
Investigating guardianship, or any number of other issues, the Kinship Care program is here to help!
Hands Across The Water is providing Kinship Care assistance through a contract with
Michigan State University's Kinship Care Resource Center. If you need help with services, or want to make sure you are getting all the assistance you and the child(ren) in your care are entitled to, please call (800) 535-1218 or email to be connected with a Kinship Navigator.